Monday, December 29, 2008

And Time Flies Like An Arrow

Five years and six months ago I started work with the DOC. Seven moths ago I went from evening shift to days. Only four months ago I discovered blogs, blogging, and all the merry blogsterizers out there. It seems much longer than that. I feel like I've been sitting here doing this for years. Of course, if I had been, I'd probably be able to think of much more things to say.

I need to start keeping notes and occasionally writing a few entries ahead for these dry days when nothing much happens.


  1. Or do what I do, and post useless drivel when you can't think of anything else.

  2. Write for your self, not for others. I know it sounds selfish, but hey...It's your therapy.

  3. You could take a tip from Guy and when you run out of ideas, just write about what you've already written about. Or do like I do and just quit for awhile or post some links to porn vids.

    (flytex) <-- feminine hygiene products for flies.

  4. I just got stuck and couldn't even come up with any good drivel. Kind of at a low spot with some other things going on and couldn't get my mind wrapped around a good subject. Took everybodys advice and mulled it around and went back and looked at some of my older posts. I'm mixing in a little more drivel than usual (grin).

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