When that yard relief job came up I went and dropped a bid on it as soon as I got to work. I figure with winter coming on and all.... And the days off being Tuesday Wednesday maybe I stand a good chance of getting it.
But out of the 45 Sergeants we have, I only have more time than about four of them. Minus me leaves forty. Of those forty three others got promoted at exactly the same time. That leaves thirty seven that can outbid me. Out of those thirty seven I think there's only maybe five that would even consider taking the job.
The odds are improving.
Sergeant Major wants a yard job, but he wants Uncle T's B-yard spot. He called me the other evening and said that he was spreading the rumor that he was bidding on the relief job so other people wouldn't bid on it and maybe I would get it. And apparently he's been spreading it around pretty thick.
A few people have come up to me and asked me if I bid the job and scared to death that Sergeant Major might get it over me. He's not the easiest guy in the world to get along with and if you have a chain handy he will jerk it every chance he gets. I get along with him fine. We understand each other. But some people (especially some of those already out on the yard) don't like him at all.
I've been going along with the gag just for fun. Bumming hard because I know he can outbid me and saying how I really wanted the job and now I won't get it. Watching the reactions has been a bit of a giggle.
With my luck I'll go through all of this and somebody completely unexpected will pop up and get the spot. That happens some times. But I haven't really heard of anybody else who bid on it. I don't know.
Unfortunately, when the inmates are behaving themselves we do tend to turn on each other for entertainment.
But it's all in good fun.
I'm baking again
The first morning after we brought my used kitchen stove home, I made
biscuits. The second day, we had meatloaf. On the third day, I made
cornbread to ...
1 day ago
When we had a lot more people and job movement is was great fun to write your name on jobs and then pull it down at the last minute. I would bid on home delivery jobs just to upset the supervisor of the district. Now, there's hardly any job movement, except to cut them. Ahhhh, the good old days. Can't wait to retire.
ReplyDeleteJoe- The shifting around game is fun sometimes. But it does occasionally get nerve wracking.
DeleteYou never know. I could still bid on it. I do have that hour and a half on you.
ReplyDeleteSgt Drew- I know you want on day shift so I'm not fooled. Just the same... Don't make me whack you!
DeleteHere in the afterlife we have no need for your silly mortal jobs. We're too busy spending our days swimming in pools filled with butterscotch pudding.
ReplyDelete. . . not to mention people-whispering. I think it may have been you giving me the horrors yesterday.
DeleteBryan- At least if I killed you I don't feel too bad about it not. How do you get the pudding out of your beard?
Deleteum, pondering the odds - there are what; approximately 7 billion people on this planet.
ReplyDeleteQuite a lot of them live in poverty, or worse - and you're quibbling about your place among 45 sergeants? Bleah! (but i'd vote fer ya ... heh).
Davoh- I just can't offer a defense against my petty wants. But I know that I make about a hundred bucks a month too much to qualify for state assistance. Does that help?
DeleteHey Rev I just saw two beautiful, glossy white, full body mannequins for sale!! They're up here at the flea market next to Carpet One, off of the highway. And they are in the very back of the building. Along the wall by the exit sign. One is $75 & the other is $99. I think the $75 is way prettier, but they're both an amazing find. The only thing wrong with the $99 one is that the bozo head I am here with just had to play with her arms. So now she's standing there like a naked nymphomanic, with her fingers cupped around her bosoms. I was going to put her hand back on her hip & the other behind her head. But all the men started flocking over to snicker & chat with the bozo head, so I just left like that. Anyhow, those are absolutely the prettiest mannequins in the world. I think they are exactly what you had in mind for your project.
ReplyDelete-Merry Flea Marketer-
Merry Flea- Hey, thanks! I'll run up and take a look on my weekend. Maybe one of those will work out. And you should keep a tighter reign on that bozo head, you know... Somebody needs to, anyway...
DeleteShould have known you would shorten that word to "flea" (a person of little importance etc) lol.
DeleteIt doesn't matter. :-D
-Still Merry-