And Sgt Buck does things his way. There's no doubt about that. And it's different. Not bad, just different.
I used to think Buck didn't like me much. Maybe he doesn't, but tonight he didn't let it show. And he actually thanked me for my help at the end of the night, which was different.
Last night was supposed to be my night to do the long walk. The Del Norte. But we had a new guy on the yard so Sgt Uncle T had him do it instead. Sweet!
But tonight I was in the Fireman's spot and it was supposed to be his night, so I got to do it after all. No big deal. It was a crispy cool night and the walk warmed me up nicely.
So I went in the sally port and banged on the first fence zone and wondered who would be answering the radio. And my luck! It was Miz Twang! Oh joy... She has the sweetest little southern drawl you ever heard over a radio. I trotted through the first eight zones just waiting for the right one.
Walk up to the fence and give it a good rap.
"Alarm zone naaahn!"
Hee hee hee! "Copy zone naaahn!" I can't resist making fun of her.
Hell, if I didn't poke fun she'd think I was mad or something.
So I finished the rest of the walk with a smile on my face. It was worth it.
We are so short of people right now I had to count and relieve down in four house. That means the instead of just helping count and going back to the yard, I had to stay there until midnights showed up.
I'm telling you, there's some people here you don't want to be trapped in a bubble with for an hour and a half. But I got lucky. The Bear ended up spending a month or so on our shift so I stayed down there with him until we were relieved. Me and him get along pretty well. We just swapped BS Hive stories the whole time.
Well! Checking the list I see that tomorrow is Absurdity Day. Sometimes it seems like every day working in a prison is like that. We go whole months at a time hip deep in absurdities.
Just remember, if you can't say something nice tomorrow, say something absurd!
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