My head, which is not well attached at the best of times, kept threatening to fly off at any moment. Especially at sudden loud noises.
I had poured enough antihistamines down my goozle to make me a jittery mess, but they did little to relieve my symptoms.
So I called in sick.
I hate to do that, but I would have been no use to anybody. And I'm sure eight hours of blowing my nose into state toilet paper would have left me raw. The paper towels are softer. At least here I have a rapidly dwindling supply of kleenex.
Rather than just sit here, I thought I might go down and clean up my shop a little, but after I had sneezed approximately 3,000 times in 30 seconds, I gave it up as a bad idea and went back up to the house. Sawdust didn't agree with me, it seems.
Yesterday I went to the local do it yourself store with the intention of buying some wood. Instead, I ended up buying a bandsaw. I couldn't resist. It was the last one they had in stock and the little old guy running the department gave me 10% off because it was the floor model.
So I got a bandsaw and screws and nails and glue and stain and sealer and some other stuff. Everything to make more chairs except the wood. You see, by the time the little old guy and I had wrestled that saw into the back of my truck, I was too tired to go back and pick up a load of lumber. And I didn't have much room left for wood anyway.
Ah, well.
I suppose I need to either slow down on the chairs until I sell a few or find something else just as fun to make. My storage space is getting kind of full.
Well, obviously the cold meds are kicking in. I keep finding myself just sitting here with fingers poised over the keyboard and staring at something about ten feet behind my monitor.
Think I'll go stare at something about ten feet behind my teevee set instead.
And let's be careful out there.