I just had to get on here and say "Thank you" to someone who went above and beyond and out of their way for their fellow staff the other day.
It was hot. Like bazillions of degrees hot.
So hot my deodorant not only failed immediately but even it's ghost was obliterated in the searing heat.
Anyway, Lt Sienna pulled money out of his own wallet and sent someone to the store to buy several cases of water. Then he loaded it all in the mail cart, dumped a bunch of ice on the top and drove all over the camp making sure that everybody had enough water to drink.
Staff that is.
We don't see that kind of thoughtfulness or appreciation very often around here.
On those horrible nights when the Warden Himself should be at the door handing out cash because we managed to survive the night all we ever get is "Why didn't you fix it sooner?"
So when someone goes out of their way to do something nice for us, we don't always know how to react. For the most part we stand there dumbfounded with this glazed look in our eyes and ask each other "Did that really just happen?"
Anyway, here's some more thanks from me, Lt Sienna.
You are totally awesome.
And I hope one day I can do something at least half as nice as that for you.
Let's be careful out there.
Welcome to the once-a-week blog
Having not one thing of interest to talk about, I decided to show you what
my daughter put on Facebook that made my day.
Rachel Fierro is feeling peacef...
22 hours ago